2 jul 2008

Toccata & Fugue in D Minor

Kurt Ison, Sydney Town Hall.
Edited and produced by Christopher Hayles, 2002.

Bach's Fugue in G Minor

"Ton Koopman and his Dancing Shoelaces". Bien se ha titulado este video como, "Tom Koopman y sus Agujetas sueltas Danzantes!" por algo es uno de los mejores directores / tecladistas.

This is a clip from the DVD "Ton Koopman Plays Bach - Organ Works, Harpsichord Pieces, Arias": http://tinyurl.com/yafwyd Ton Koopman plays on the greater Silbermann organ (built 1714-18, renovated 1981-83) at St. Marien Cathedral in Freiberg.
Notice the old style pedals (short!) and then, of course, the shoelaces. Such a spirited performance!

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